May 04, 2022 2 min read
We all love our amazing and unique country, and one of the best ways to keep it such a remarkable country to live in, is to buy Aussie made!
1. Do your bit to grow our Aussie economy
Whenever you purchase Aussie made products, you are keeping your money within our country. At every level you are helping to create jobs, support farmers and local businesses, reduce the cost of welfare and so much more.
Research shows that for every $1 million of new or retained manufacturing business in Australia, the following effects flow through the economy:
2. Rely on the quality of Australian made standards
Our country has some of the strictest labour, business, safety and quality control standards in the world. When you buy Aussie made, you will get a product made carefully from quality ingredients, made by a worker who is treated and paid fairly and works in a safe environment. And you can be assured that the ingredients printed on the label are actually what is inside the product!
3. Help reduce emissions and heal our environment
One of the best ways to help the environment is to buy local. Shipping products from overseas is a uses an enormous amount of energy, not to mention the unregulated practices which many overseas manufacturers use including unregulated chemical disposal and toxic incineration of waste.
4. Vastly improve your experience and satisfaction as a customer
Buying Aussie made will get you faster shipping, and any returns will be quick and easy. If you need customisation or special requests, the person you speak to on the phone will speak English, and understand you! Not only that, you are welcome to visit our factory and see for yourself every step of the process, assurance that the product you are buying is exactly what its advertised as!