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Nestled on the side of beautiful Mount Rascal in Southern Queensland is a little shed where magic happens. The day begins when the mist is still a thick white blanket in the valley below, just the dark tops of the tallest gumtrees on the ridge showing above it. The big pots of pure vegetable oil are gently warming and the antique timber soap molds are lined up like rows of hungry bread tins.

Soap is created by the magical reaction that happens when you mix lye and oil. The first soap was made hundreds of years ago when some oil spilt into the ashes of a cooking fire, creating a substance which people soon discovered would clean things.

All real soap starts with lye. If it doesn't have lye (or its scientific name, sodium hydroxide) on the label, or it doesnt say "saponified", it's not real soap, it's a synthetic detergent.

The cold-process soap method we use to craft our Rascal Mountain soaps is completely waste-free.